New author photo:

Science fiction author and podcaster
New author photo:
Here are some photos from last night’s event at powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn to promote the anthology Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom. The book is edited by John Joseph Adams and includes my story “Three Deaths.”
Here are some photos from the wedding of John Joseph Adams and Christie Yant. (George R. R. Martin had his wedding ceremony in the same venue a few hours later.)
Here are a few photos from Worldcon. Thanks to Chris Cevasco for snapping these.
Here are some photos from the past week:
![]() Barnes & Noble reading with Ellen Kushner and Tamora Pierce |
![]() Reading my short story “Three Deaths” at Confluence |
![]() Acting as MC for the Alpha student readings at Confluence |
Here are some photos from our reading last night at Barnes & Noble. (In the first photo we’ve got Scott Johnson, me, David Levine, and Mike Arnzen.)
Here’s a photo from Matt & Jordan’s fun-tacular wedding at the Boston Museum of Science.
New author photo. Really needed a pic of me smiling (that wasn’t from 2007) for the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy site.
I shaved my head and took a picture of it, and I liked the picture enough to use it as my new author photo:
Here are some photos from our zombie panel at McNally Jackson bookstore in SoHo to celebrate the release of The Living Dead 2.
Topics included: Favorite zombie movies. Fast zombies vs. slow zombies. Infected living vs. walking dead. Zombie mashups. Zombie survival strategies. Plausibility issues with zombies. Zombies as metaphor. And finally, why is it considered gross to have sex with a zombie but not a vampire when aren’t they both just animated corpses and isn’t that discrimination?
Here are some pics of me from this year’s Alpha workshop. Thanks to Sarah Hollowell for snapping these.
Reading my short story “The Ontological Factor” at Confluence
Glaring at someone — probably named Katie — who was late reseating herself
after intermission. And, as always, I’m surrounded by romance and mystery.
Am I really that much taller than Sarah Wood? Man, that’s crazy. This looks like some
weird Peter Jackson-style forced perspective shot. In other news, Cthulhu lives.
Just working on my laptop…
So John Joseph Adams just announced that he’ll be lecturing at Odyssey. Unless something else comes up, I’m planning to tag along with him, so if you go to Odyssey next year you’ll get to meet/hang out with me for a day or two too. I attended Odyssey back in 2001, and to this day some of my best friends are people I met through the workshop. Here’s our class photo. (I’m the guy with the long hair on the far right.)
Here’s a photo from July’s New York Review of Science Fiction Reading Series at the SoHo Gallery for Digital Art, which featured Paolo Bacigalupi and Saladin Ahmed. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I guess, depending on your point of view) my face is substantially eclipsed here by the sexy cranium of Chris Cevasco. More photos here.
My story “The Skull-Faced City” is among the free samples over at the newly-launched website for the zombie anthology The Living Dead 2:
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“The Skull-Faced City”
A power-mad zombie rules over a city of the dead.
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This is a sequel to “The Skull-Faced Boy,” so definitely read that one first:
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“The Skull-Faced Boy”
Two friends clash after coming back to life as zombies.
Audio Text |
Tonight’s reading was a blast. Thanks again to Blake for organizing this. Here’s a photo:
New author photo:
Today it occurred to me that I could probably use my Macbook’s built-in camera to record myself performing my stories. I tested it out, then started experimenting with different backdrops (bookshelves, blank wall, etc.). I dragged over my lamp to try out some dramatic lighting for reading a horror story. I accidentally ended up with this lighting here, which I thought looked kind of cool, so I snapped a few pics using Photo Booth, and I liked this one enough to throw it up on my site as my new author photo. Some people were giving me crap recently because my author photo was from way back in 2007, so I hope you’re all happy now.
I’m going through some old discs looking for early stories, and I came across this photo of me and Hobbes. I think I’m about twenty here:
My grandfather Roger Barr passed away early this morning at the age of 98. He was my mom’s father, and was my last surviving grandparent. He was being cared for by my uncle Steve (his son) and aunt Denice — both medical professionals — and was still sharp and good-humored in his final days. Yesterday […]